Creative Director | Art Director | Designer
suck crop.gif

TDA Education


TD Ameritrade: Take Control Of Your Investing Education
Havas NY | Role: Creative Director | Production: Mayda

The creative development for this spot was a wild ride into the heart of today's relentless social media frenzy over financial advice. A pivotal challenge we faced was striking the right balance – we wanted to respect the genuine online financial advisors who provide invaluable help daily, yet we needed to highlight the barrage of scammers, coin pushers, NFT flippers, and meme 'finfluencers' that flood our feeds. Working hand in hand with the unbelievably talented director Carl Addy and his team, we navigated this delicate line with creativity and finesse. We had a blast interpreting and creatively representing this overwhelming wave, culminating in a message that underscores the importance of TD Ameritrade's trusted education center for solid, professional financial guidance.


TVC :15


Directors cut :30


Extension - TikTok
“Ask someone who knows what they’re talking about”



Design exploration

doni goodman creative director td ameritrade 3
doni goodman creative director td ameritrade 1
doni goodman creative director td ameritrade 2
doni goodman creative director td ameritrade 4