Creative Director | Art Director | Designer

Get The Facts


Google: Get The Facts
Arts & Letters | Role: Creative Development

In the midst of the Covid-19 crisis, we collaborated with the team at Google to help launch the 'Get the Facts' campaign, a global initiative aimed at tackling the widespread misinformation during the pandemic. Alongside the Ad Council, we rolled out widespread campaign that empowered people to actively seek factual information from trusted sources about Covid-19. Our approach was not just about presenting facts, but about inspiring individuals to become more informed and discerning. This effort resulted in a significant and effective global movement, bringing clarity and trusted knowledge in a sea of confusion and noise.


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In the midst of a global pandemic, our team's innovative approach led to a groundbreaking moment for Google: the rare addition of a second CTA on their homepage. This pivotal inclusion showcased our 'Get the Facts' campaign, symbolized by a distinctive bandaid design, guiding millions in their quest for reliable, fact-based information.

